Wednesday, July 8, 2015

31 Weeks

How far along? 31 weeks, 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: I honestly haven't even checked this week, but I would say maybe just one more pound up. So around 21 pounds total right now. The weight gain has slowed down quite a bit as I am starting to run out of womb...I (hehe) But seriously, I just can't eat much at one time anymore, or I feel extremely uncomfortable. So I am just sticking to little meals here and there. 
Maternity clothes? Definitely! But all the maternity clothes I purchased in the beginning are all still fitting just fine, so I'm happy about that! 
Stretch marks? Still no changes in stretch marks 
Sleep: Definitely no lack of sleep here 
Best moment this week: Just working away on Mason's room and setting more stuff up for him. Greg even assembled the travel system the other day (and I strolled around the house with it for quite a while to check it out!) More and more baby stuff just keeps popping up around the house and it's making it more and more real that he is soon to arrive! 
Miss Anything? Not really, but I am starting to wonder if I am going to miss being pregnant after I have the baby 
Movement: All the time now.
Food cravings: Pringles. And they give me such bad heartburn! But I keep eating them anyways...
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just if I eat too much. 
Gender: It's a Boy!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: The heartburn. It has been no joke lately. Definitely won't be missing that once I am no longer pregnant.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Having Mason's room and closet completely organized and finished. It still looks like a bomb went off in there since the shower happened and I can't decide where I want to put anything!

In other news, I am starting to feel a little panicked that there is so much to do in so little time! I will be 32 weeks tomorrow, and I am hoping to have everything completely done and ready by 37 weeks. This gives me 5 weeks to get the rest of what we need before he arrives and get it all organized somewhere, plan and prepare for Greg's diaper party, do all the other cleaning and organizing around the rest of the house I want to have done, and prepare and pack our bags for the hospital! And unfortunately I just can't move as fast as I am used to anymore. I know these weeks before his arrival are going to fly by in no time. But I also just can't wait to meet our baby boy!

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