Monday, January 26, 2015

Surprise! We're Expecting!

I always thought I would be one of those woman who magically just ‘knew’ she was pregnant. That I would have that instinctive ‘gut’ feeling that something within me was different. Fast forward to Christmas night 2014 as I stared at these two pink lines on a stick in utter shock and delight, and I can tell you that I most certainly was not. It was then that my husband & I received our last Christmas gift of the day and the best one we could ever imagine. SURPRISE! We’re expecting!

Thinking back now, there were little hints. The more frequent trips to the bathroom to pee. The fact that I could smell a Captain & Diet from across the table and it completely revolted me. But still, I didn’t know I was pregnant (and the glass of wine I drank before Christmas dinner didn’t know either). The only thing that lead me to the bathroom to take a test, besides the increased need to pee, was that my period didn’t show up on Christmas day. And well, my Auntie Flow…she is never tardy for the party.

I made a plan that day (just in case) that when we got home from all our Christmas festivities and if Auntie Flow still hadn’t showed, I would take a test. IF it was positive, I was going to wrap up the test in a bracelet box and surprise my husband with one last Christmas gift. Not really knowing how a positive pregnancy test worked, I only saw the control line showing up and immediately assumed it was a big fat negative. I walked out of the bathroom to show my husband. “Just so you know…we will try again next month.” Then I walked into the kitchen, looked down at the test again, and suddenly I saw it. A faint line appearing in the test line. Two lines! Too bad I was so darn impatient! In a matter of 3 minutes, we went from blissfully unaware to blissfully expecting parents-to-be!

I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say that no matter how long you may have been trying, seeing a positive result on a pregnancy test will still be the biggest surprise of your life. My husband & I had been trying...since November. I still can’t believe that. I think that most woman (at least those who want children) know the feeling and carry it around for many years themselves before carrying a child. That nagging worry…‘What if something is wrong? What if I can’t get pregnant?’ So you can imagine my surprise and relief when it only took us a whopping two months of trying to conceive! In fact, it took us four more tests that week to really believe it was true! We could not be happier!'

Fast forward again to today. I am officially 8 weeks, 4 days pregnant! And welcome to Breakfast @ Emily's, where I will be chronicling my journey through pregnancy, motherhood & more! I can’t believe I’m two months along already. The first trimester hasn’t necessarily been cruising by, (we are so anxious to be able to share our news with everyone!) But it certainly has been much easier than I anticipated. Here is the rundown of my experience so far! 

How far along? 8 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: 3-4 pounds gained (but I'm talking holiday weight…not baby weight) (holiday weight that I had planned on getting off right after New Years…until I found out I was pregnant....hmph). No baby weight gain yet.
Maternity clothes? None yet! My goal is to stay in all my regular clothes until at least the end of the first trimester. So far, so good! This doesn’t mean that my regular clothes are comfortable though. I really just want comfy clothes…all…day…long. Thank you major bloat!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Ahhh sleep, my most favorite thing to do right now. So thankfully, I am having no problem doing it. I am not a nap person, so by 10pm I am OUT for the night. I am sleeping soundly (aside from having crazy, crazy dreams) until about 8am.
Best moment this week: Having our first ultrasound! It was such a relief to see the baby! The baby measured exactly on point for the dates, and the ultrasound tech said everything looks perfect. Trust me, it is a long almost 8 weeks that you wait to hear that! And we got to see the little heart beating away in there!
Miss Anything? Caffeinated coffee/tea!! And having normal amounts of energy. I get so drained so easily, which can be really annoying. Hot dogs and deli meats. (I think I just want them because I know I can’t have them).
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: It varies by week. Which sounds strange, but it is so true. Week 5 I craved mushrooms. Anything with mushrooms (pizza, sandwiches, pasta). Week 6 it was sweets, chocolate ANYTHING. Week 7 was tomato sauce. I just wanted anything with a red/marinara sauce…pizza, pasta, bagel bites, mozzarella sticks dipped in, of course, marinara. Onto Week 8 and this week it is Mexican food! One day I literally had such a sudden and intense craving for nachos, I felt insane! Thank God I had some leftover taco meat in the fridge and enough fixings, because I didn’t even have time to wait to go somewhere and get them. I needed nachos STAT! I'm also loving bananas and oranges. Anytime...all the time.
Anything making you queasy or sick: 5-6 pm. Not exactly anyTHING in particular. But the time. I just generally seem to get nauseous everyday around this time. Also, if I don’t eat something (a meal or snack) every few hours, that queasy feeling will start setting in.
Gender: You know that ‘gut’ feeling I was missing about being pregnant? Well I do have it about this. I think it is a girl. Not sure why but it’s just a feeling. But let’s be real…I don’t know. I can’t wait until I do though! I will be thrilled either way!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Most prominently, fatigue. I feel tired and my eyes burn all day. I honestly can’t make it past 10pm without falling asleep, no matter where I am. And then I have the crazy, crazy dreams. Slight nausea if I don’t eat for a while and from about 5-6 pm every day. Breast tenderness. Some days are worse than others with this, but it has not been half as bad as I expected it to be. Bloating…again…some days worse than others. Pretty much all the typical first trimester things (minus throwing up, which I will be forever grateful for.)
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Sending out our announcement to family and close friends next week!