Tuesday, May 12, 2015

23 Weeks

{Remembered I had taken the same bump shot, in the same outfit,
several weeks apart. My baby boy is growing!}

How far along? 23 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: I was right on point last week. I was in between 12-13 pounds up at my appointment on Friday. So I would say by today...I'm up 13 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Still wearing both.
Stretch marks? Just the old ones. I'm so glad they aren't the red, really obvious kind. You can't even see them from a distance, but I can. I'm just hoping I don't get any new ones! So far, so good...
Sleep: I think I have actually been sleeping too much! I've been staying in bed until about 8:30, sometimes 9am the past week or so, and my back is starting to feel the effect. I've been pretty sore and achy this past week. I need to get up and get my booty moving early again!
Best moment this week: Greg being able to feel Mason kick! Also, celebrating Mother's Day as a first time mommy-to-be! The day seemed so much more special knowing that next year, I will be celebrating it with my own child and feeling so grateful to my mom for all the sacrifices she has made for me, and the wonderful life and love she has given me. 
Miss Anything? Sleeping comfortably and in my normal position 
Movement: Definitely! I love quietly laying in bed at night and in the morning and feeling him kicking away in there. (This is when I can feel him the best.)
Food cravings: fresh, cold fruit sounds and looks really good to me this week
Anything making you queasy or sick: No. But I'm starting to have heartburn more and more frequently, which isn't much fun.
Gender: Having a sweet baby boy! 
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: I feel like week 23 was the magic week for me when I finally started to really feel pregnant. I can now clearly feel our little guy's movements both inside and out, and was finally able to catch a moment when Greg could feel them too. And I officially have a defined baby bump, instead of just feeling like I'm gaining weight. That thing became rock hard this week! (Along with this came a sorer back and general uncomfortableness...but it just reminds me of this crazy miracle happening inside me.)
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Our childbirth preparation classes! We signed up this weekend and start our first one on Wednesday, May 27. Some of you are probably wondering what I am looking forward to about that lol. I am one of those people who likes to know as much as possible about whatever I'm getting myself into, beforehand. I'm not a huge fan of surprises. So I am looking forward to feeling more prepared for and informed about the labor process and for having the baby here with us! (We also signed up for a breastfeeding class, as well as baby basics and safety classes.) Yea, I'll be the one in the front row taking extensive notes...

P.S. A nursery tour post is coming VERY soon! We pretty much have the room all ready (except for filling it all up after the baby shower!) I am just waiting for Greg to hang the wall art and take my last few pictures!

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