Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Baby Kazak has a name!

Like I mentioned in my 19 week update, our baby boy officially has a name & I am just too excited about it to hold off sharing it. We will be naming little baby Kazak...

Mason Gregory Kazak

{Mason saying HI!}

I'll admit, I'm one of those woman who has been brainstorming baby names and making little lists on my phone for quite a while. So since finding out we're expecting, I've been a little obsessed over finding the perfect name for our baby. But I'll be the first to tell you...while it is so much fun, the baby name game is hard work! (Especially if you and your significant other are not necessarily compatible in it, like us.) So here is the little story of some of the names we considered, but didn't end up using and how we came to find our perfect baby name.

We started out with each of us making a short list of our personal favorite girl and boy names. For boy names, Greg's list was simple. There was only one name on it: Adam. Greg has always told me he liked this name for a boy and wanted to use it if we ever had one. It was the name of his Grandpa (on his Dad's side) who he adored, and he also just happens to really like that name. I have never been convinced on this name for a couple reasons. While I can appreciate the thought behind it, I have personally never liked the idea of naming a boy the same first name as his father or another family member. There already was an Adam Kazak, and I wanted my baby to have his own name. I couldn't get over that. And I just have not been able to grow fond of that name for whatever reason. It's just not my favorite, so there was really no convincing me. 

The number one name on my boy name list was Benjamin (Ben). I think this is such a classic & handsome name for a boy. And I think there is just something sweet & simple about the name Ben for a boy. But, I could never really convince Greg on this name. He thinks it's kind of boring. I have always adored the name Graham and had been mentioning it for a while. But there was never any way I was winning on this one. In Greg's mind all he could think of was a graham cracker...and I gotta admit Graham 'Cracker' Kazak isn't a nickname I would want my son to have! Same with the name Cole. It's a name I have always liked, but in Greg's mind, Cole = a lump of coal.

We knew we were pretty much back to the drawing board, so we just started talking about names together and trying to think of one we both liked. I'm not sure who came up with it, but one day while we were in the car, one of us randomly mentioned the name Noah, and we both really liked it! This was the first name we actually agreed on, and I could actually see us using until...

My mom bought us this Baby Names 2015 book from Babies R Us to help us think of names. Right away, we saw that Noah is the #1 name right now in A LOT of the states. Meaning, our son could potentially show up to the first day of school and meet 5 other Noahs that are in his class. And I wasn't crazy about the thought of that. So we just started going through this book and saying names aloud that we liked. We ended up coming across the name Logan, and both liked it. However, we are friends with a couple who have a son named Logan, so we crossed that one off pretty quickly.
And then there was Mason. I think I saw it and said something like, "how about Mason? I like that!" To which Greg responded with something like..."Eh, it's okay." Keep in mind all this time, we were also trying to make a list of girl names, since we didn't know the gender yet. We ended up deciding to leave it at that until we found out what we were having and could eliminate an entire category of names. 

Meanwhile, I saw an old family friend one night and she was asking me all about my pregnancy, if we were finding out the gender, and what names we were considering. I told her Greg liked Adam...I liked Ben...we were thinking about Noah. And she mentioned that she always loved the name Mason. I told her we actually discussed that name but I wasn't sure how Greg felt about it. But something about hearing her say it made me want to bring it up to him again. The next day, I told him about seeing her and that she suggested the name Mason...to which he then replied..."I actually really like that!" From that day on, I think the seed was planted in both of our minds, and was rooting itself pretty strongly. 

The day I received the panorama results and found out the gender, I was with my mom. So I asked her what she thought of the name Mason. She said she loved it! So that made me grow even more confident in it. I came home to share the exciting news with Greg...we're having a baby boy! "Mason?" he asked. And I confirmed. We knew it was right, just like that.

As for the middle name, Greg has always wanted to use his full first name as his first son's middle name, which was something I was more than happy to oblige with (it's hard enough picking one name!!) So Mason Gregory Kazak is it!

{proudly displaying it in the nursery already!} 

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