Thursday, August 27, 2015

38 Weeks

How far along? Yup, I'm back. And still pregnant. Officially 39 weeks today, which means baby Mason has officially hit the new full term. (Now if only he would take the hint that it's time to come out now!)
Total weight gain/loss: up 24 pounds. I'm actually quite chuffed with myself for remaining right at (or just the tiniest bit under) the goal I had set for myself. I didn't want to gain any more than 25 pounds...and I pretty much ended up right on target. According to the charts, this should be all baby and pregnancy weight (aka I'm hoping most of it comes right off!)
Maternity Clothes? Yep. And I can't wait to be done wearing them at this point. The day I fit back into my regular jeans without a maternity band attached will be a day of celebration!
Stretch marks? Still no real changes. I'm feeling really thankful that I didn't end up with anything bad at all!
Sleep: Not getting much of it nowadays. Pregnancy insomnia has definitely set in. It's like nature's sick way of getting you ready for the sleepless nights ahead. I wake up to pee and then can't fall back asleep. Once I finally do, it's time to repeat the cycle again.
Best moment this week: Starting to receive many texts/messages daily from family & friends wondering how I am feeling and if anything is moving with baby. Seems like everyone else is getting as anxious to meet our little guy as we are! It's nice to know that our loved ones are thinking of us and wishing us well! Also, just enjoying these last few days and weeks with Greg as a twosome. We've really been a great team in making our final preparations for Mason, and it's been nice enjoying some last few little date nights here and there.
Miss Anything? Again, just not being pregnant at this point...and everything that goes along with that. 
Movement: Yep
Food cravings: Pumpkin everything!! (especially pumpkin coffee)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: It's a Boy! 
Labor Signs: This is a big fat NOPE! Wish I could be saying yes, but I don't seem to be making an progress in this department. Still no contractions. My doctor did a cervical exam at my last two appointments and there has been no change at all. Cervix is closed and I am not dilated whatsoever. In fact, baby still needs to drop quite a bit! She said it is time to start walking, squatting, doing exercises on the birthing ball etc to try and help it along. If I make it to my 40 week appointment next Wednesday, (which seems more than likely) we will start making plans for an induction.
Symptoms: Pregnancy insomnia, heartburn, pelvic pressure. It's getting pretty uncomfortable here folks.
Belly Button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :)
Looking forward to: it being Fall and having Mason here with us. I guess the blessing in disguise is that the longer we wait, the more ready we feel approaching labor & delivery. I am beyond ready to have him here and cuddle and snuggle him all day long.

You will more than likely be hearing from me next Wednesday or Thursday for one final week of pregnancy updates! Until then, you can find me at home bouncing on my new 'birthing ball'. That reminds me...time to go meet with my mom for a long walk...

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