Thursday, August 6, 2015

35 Weeks

How far along? 36 weeks today 
Total weight gain/loss: +21 pounds  
Maternity Clothes? I just realized I somehow dropped this question off the list in the last few weeks...but nothing has changed anyways. It's pretty much been strictly maternity-wear this last trimester. 
Stretch marks? There are some, but nothing too bad! 
Sleep: It's getting rougher. I'm pretty much tossing and turning (and getting up to pee) all night long. And more ridiculous...I had to add another little pillow underneath my belly for more support.   
Best moment this week: Setting up the last of the baby gear with Greg over the weekend. Okay, well he did most of it...but I was there for moral support! He installed the car seat, finished setting up the sensor pad for our baby monitor system and put together the gliding bassinet/swing/bouncer seat system. We installed the animal gates and I set up the co-sleeper (all by myself). We also went to Babies R Us and picked up the last few things we needed off the registry before baby comes, and I finished organizing his closet. Our home officially looks like a baby lives here! The last thing I/we need to do is a good deep cleaning of every room before he arrives (which starts today!) 
Miss Anything? Now that I am getting close to my due date, I have been thinking more and more about things I am looking forward to being able to do again once I am no longer pregnant. On the list so far: eat as much seafood per week as I want, take a hot LUSH bath, drink a glass of wine, cuddle with hubby in bed instead of the ginormous pillow that is currently separating us, Pumpkin Spice Lattes...(okay, the last one I could totally have whether I was pregnant or not, but is it Fall yet?) 
Movement: Yup! 
Food cravings: I've been on a strawberry kick lately. And the other day, all I could think of was wanting some Tyson chicken nuggets and some Kraft macaroni and cheese. So I went online and found a low sodium recipe for homemade mac n cheese and went to the store in search of some low sodium chicken nuggets. That dinner (and lunch the next day) was delicious! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Results of my recent blood work also showed that my iron was a little low. So I had to start taking an iron supplement on top of my prenatal vitamin and 3 vitamin d3 tabs I take everyday. (I have never taken so many pills in my life...and they are all just vitamins and supplements!) Learned very quickly that taking an iron pill on an empty stomach is a terrible, terrible idea. 
Gender: It's a Boy! 
Labor Signs: Nope. And doctor confirmed my suspicion yesterday that Mason is still quite high in there. He hasn't dropped or engaged yet, which often happens between 34-36 weeks. I'm kind of hoping he isn't getting too comfortable in there! (We all know that I'm hoping to go around 38 weeks.) 
Symptoms: Felt pretty good this week. The belly is in the way and makes things more uncomfortable, but can't really complain. I expected much worse at this point. 
Belly Button in or out? In 
Wedding rings on or off? On 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!  
Looking forward to: holding my sweet baby boy in my arms.

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