Monday, June 15, 2015

28 Weeks

How far along? 28 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: Uh...I am just going to avoid finding out the answer to that right now because a) I passed my 3 hr glucose test and b) it's my birthday! So I've been giving myself a couple days to splurge. Healthy eating resumes tomorrow.
Maternity clothes? I think I can officially say it's maternity clothes from here on out.
Stretch marks? Nothing new
Sleep: Sleeping great 
Best moment this week: I had a lot of happy moments this week, but getting the call that I do not have gestational diabetes probably tops the charts. Also, turning 28 today while I am in my 28th week!
Miss Anything? Nope.
Movement: Yes, for sure...and more than just little kicks and jabs now. I feel like I can feel his entire body moving now. (And sometimes it's a really weird, uncomfortable feeling!) 
Food cravings: Nothing in particular. Just the usual sweets of course.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Ugh yes. I ate WAY too much yesterday having a pre-birthday dinner (and dessert) with my friend. I need to remember that I am running out of room in there and can't eat like a cow in one sitting. Still feeling the effects this morning....bleh.
Gender: It's a Boy!
Labor Signs: No. Just noticing some Braxton Hicks here and there (mostly just in the morning). 
Symptoms: Starting to feel pretty third trimestery this week. I had SO much energy during my second...and it's suddenly just slipped away from me. I'm starting to drag a little. Also feeling more uncomfortable and a little less tolerant lately.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: My baby's less than 2 weeks away now!! I really just cannot wait. I'm also excited to be sending out Greg's Drinks & Diaper party invites today! Excited for him to have a night of fun with his guys before little Mason arrives.

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