Monday, June 1, 2015

26 Weeks

How far along? 26 weeks, 4 days (only 2 more days until the third trimester...whoa momma!)
Total weight gain/loss: think I'm still right around 15 pounds up
Maternity clothes? Still mixing and matching both, but I'm pretty much sticking strictly to maternity bottoms now. Because once you get used to rocking those maternity jeans...why not wear them? They are so much more comfortable! (I prefer the over-the-belly kind)
Stretch marks? I can see some translucent ones. Most are old, but a few are new. Just happy they aren't super noticeable. Using Mustela Intensive Action cream to treat & prevent!
Sleep: Still sleeping great, and not waking up sore at all thanks to my Snoogle pillow! (I've also figured out that I will be able to use it as a support pillow while I breastfeed postpartum. Those things are seriously so worth the money!)
Best moment this week: Giggling away with Greg at our first childbirth prep class as he very seriously instructed me to 'breathe in...breathe out' through fake contractions. (Better giggle and enjoy it now, because I know I won't be on the real day!) But in all seriousness, I am really enjoying those classes so far & starting to feel much more prepared for d-day (delivery day) thanks to them!
Miss Anything? not really 
Movement: Yes! More often and for longer periods of time now. Little man is definitely growing bigger & stronger in there because he's starting to pack a good punch every now and then! 
Food cravings: Cookie Cake & bacon. Separately...not together. And any juicy kind of fruit! Nectarines, oranges, watermelon...(thank God I have at least one healthy craving!)
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: It's A Boy! (Mason) 
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Heartburn, but not terrible, bleeding gums when I floss. Nothing new...nothing big.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: my baby shower! NOT looking forward to my glucose test this Thursday (eek! I'm so praying that I pass this test so I can safely continue to indulge in sweets during the rest of my pregnancy. Wish me luck!)

P.S. Second Trimester Must Haves post will be up Thursday! I seriously can't believe how fast these first two flew by!

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