Thursday, July 30, 2015

34 Weeks

Well!'s been a bit of an interesting week since I've updated last. As I had mentioned in my 33 week post, I had an appointment the next day (Wednesday, July 22). For those who have never been to a prenatal's a quick rundown of how it works: check in, provide a urine sample, get weighed, have blood pressure checked, wait for doctor, see doctor who checks fetal heart rate with monitor, answers any questions & tells you when to come back next. And that's it! It's a pretty quick & easy process...unless a red flag shows up along the way.

Well, at this appointment...the red flag was waved. I had also mentioned last post how my scale at home had been broken, so I wasn't sure about my weight gain. I was a little shocked when I stepped on the scale there to see that it had jumped up from about 23 pounds to between 26-27 pounds up. Red flag #1. Shock and red flag #2 came when the nurse checked my blood pressure and it had jumped up to 130/98. (I have been running right around the 120/80 mark at all my other this was not a normal blood pressure.) If you know anything about pregnancy complications, you will know that they were immediately concerned that I was developing pre-eclampsia (just wiki this if you've never heard of it). Basically, not good.

I was only supposed to see the nurse that day since my doctor was out on a delivery. But because of the blood pressure and the weight gain, (which can be a symptom of pre-e) they wanted me to wait there until the doctor arrived to see what we would do and if my blood pressure would go down. About an hour and a half later, the doctor arrived and of course, my blood pressure was still not down (I I'm in panic mode). So she promptly sent me over to labor & delivery at the hospital to go on the blood pressure monitor, fetal and contraction monitors, and have labs done.

Thankfully, by the time I arrived at the hospital and settled blood pressure was consistently back down to normal and my urine and blood labs came back fine! And baby was just chilling, happy as can be in there.They sent me home to do a 24 hr urinalysis lab and follow up blood work that would give them some more information. I was to see the doctor again in one week.

I rested and watched my sodium all week long, and am happy to report that when I returned back for my appointment yesterday, I had lost those extra 3 pounds and my blood pressure was normal. My labs showed a small amount of protein in my urine...which isn't great...but is also not something she is concerned about at this time. We will be doing repeat labs in the next couple weeks to make sure these levels are not elevated any more. So while I am not completely in the clear...I'm still doing well for now. Thank God! I am just to be resting more, watching my sodium, and being weary of any symptoms I shouldn't be experiencing. Prayers that this continues in the right direction and my blood pressure stays within normal levels!

I just wanted to have some answers before I came back to update on week 34 of my pregnancy. So I'm happy to be back with some positive news and still cooking this little babe! I believe it was just a combination of lots of things that happened the week prior...eating a poor diet, stress, and WAY overdoing it for the week with very little rest. As hard as it is for me, I guess it's time for me to start letting go a bit and relaxing a lot more!
How far along? 35 weeks today!
Total weight gain/loss: As of this morning I am back down to right in between 20-21 pounds up from my pre-pregnancy weight. (Low-sodium diets are no joke...they work. Buh-bye excess fluid!)
Stretch marks? I'm definitely seeing some right on each side of my belly button. They are not big and are not obvious though unless I'm in direct sunlight. Nothing I'm too concerned about...I think they will fade right away.
Sleep: still sleeping well...although the crazy, weird pregnancy dreams seem to have made a comeback this past week!
Best moment this week: Seeing normal blood pressure readings! Sometimes things that seem unideal in the moment end up being a blessing in disguise. Spending some time in labor & delivery brought me to find that I feel very comfortable and at ease there...which is a great thing to know going into my final weeks of pregnancy!
Miss Anything? Salty, crappy foods...I'm not going to lie.
Movement: lots of it. And right on cue, the kicking feeling has changed to very big, obvious body movements. I can literally feel his entire foot dragging across my stomach now. I have also felt him having hiccups for the first time (and 3 subsequent times) this week! 
Food cravings: Remember how I had mentioned last week that my food cravings were starting to go to the salty side? Yea...I think that was a big part of the problem last week. Note to self: don't go eat a ton of shitty Mexican food the day before a doctor's appointment. It made me retain fluid for sure! I would love to go get a fatty, salty meal from McDonald's for lunch...but that's going to be a no go (at least until baby Mason is born.) I am in the process of readjusting my taste buds and finding some new, healthier cravings!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope 
Gender: Boy...and I am growing increasingly jazzed about this! OMG the clothes. I am having way too much fun shopping for my little man. (I think I may be devoting some time on this blog to 'little man style' once he is here!)
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: This is the first week where I would say I officially hit the uncomfortable stage. I just feel pretty darn pregnant. The belly is in the way, I'm slowing down, and getting a little short of breath every once in a while. And I officially just can't stand the heat. So, I'm pretty much just resting in the air conditioning in between small spurts of productivity nowadays. 
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On! And my fingers are less puffy this week (thanks to eating low sodium) so it's perfectly fine.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Had a couple of down moments this week, worrying about the health of my pregnancy and baby. (And possibly a little breakdown over having to watch what I'm eating. Hey! This is hard for a very pregnant lady to accept!) But I realized I needed to turn my attitude around and be thankful for how good this pregnancy has been to me and how blessed I am that my baby boy seems to be doing perfectly in there.
Looking forward to: seeing more babies being born on my Facebook support group! 3 were born this week and it is so much fun waiting in anticipation to see their little faces on the screen. I'm excited for when it's my turn!

Speaking of when it's my hospital bag is officially packed and ready to go! Check back tomorrow for my What's In My Hospital Bag post! 

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