Monday, February 2, 2015

9 Weeks

How far along? 9 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: 0 baby weight
Maternity clothes? None yet! Everything is still fitting fine
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Still sleeping well. About 10-11pm to 8am. I honestly don't think I would function period if I didn't get at least 9 hours of sleep a night.
Best moment this week: Having a burst of sunshine and energy on Friday. I have felt extremely exhausted/drained the rest of this week, so a sunshiny day and the increase in energy was much appreciated.
Miss Anything? Caffeine (and energy in general). I miss my daily coffee or tea. And my normal decaf kcup that I love just isn't tasting right to me. I really just wanted to avoid caffeine (at least through the first trimester.) But my doctor has assured me that a cup a day is perfectly fine. So, on Fridays, I have been treating myself to one small iced coffee. It's honestly a small highlight in my week!
Movement: Not yet. Baby has started to move around in there, but is still too small to feel anything
Food cravings: Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream...yum! Waffles with peanut butter. Note to self: must buy today.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No! I've felt pretty good this week nausea-wise. Those touches of queasiness I was experiencing before seem to be on their way out.
Gender: Gut feeling says it's a girl, along with several old wives' tales and theories. I pretty much have Greg and my parents convinced! But who knows...we could all be surprised and find out it's a boy! We found out this week that our insurance will actually cover me getting the panorama genetic testing done (even though I am not over 35 or considered a high risk pregnancy) We feel very lucky because this test can be done at any time and will tell us the gender with just about 100% accuracy!
Labor signs:  No
Symptoms: Extreme fatigue this week. And some mild cramping. Bloating on some days, but that's just a norm at this point, I think I've stopped noticing.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Hearing the baby's heartbeat!

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